Friday, April 12, 2013


The Grigg Collection of T-shirts Featuring Moustached Men

The Soup Nazi, Ron Swanson, and Sigmund Freud

My mother's grandmother (very classy) would have been horrified to see to what level her progeny has stooped.   

This is not to say that class left my family three generations ago. 

But did it?

1 comment:

  1. Well. Let's analyze this.

    There's Jonah's generation (HEY JONAH GUESS WHAT you and me both have in common?? That we're the OLDEST OF ALLLLLLLLL!!!)

    ....but...... Jonah's parents generation CLEARLY ALREADY STARTED THE PROBLEM.


    We'll skip our generation.

    Then there's MOM.

    Alright. Let me give you pause for thought:

    Now first question is: Would Mummi be horrified to see to what level her progeny has stooped?

    A: No. Mom is not trashy like we are.


