1. Not too long ago Seth and I went to Red Robin together, and as we waited for our food Seth spilled some water.
Just a little bit. Nothing embarrassing. He didn't want to wet his own napkin cleaning it up, so he leaned over to the recently vacated table next to us to help himself to one of THEIR napkins. (He swears he was going for an unused one, but he has no proof.) Right before he could make the grab, though, the waiter popped up from around a corner and laid his eyes on Seth Grigg, scavenging.

But DON'T YOU WORRY. Seth is smooth.
He pulled himself out of his giant lean and swerved back around to his own table. He picked up the first thing his eyes fell on, which happened to be my water bottle (it accompanies me everywhere), and casually took a sip.

SO casually.
Here's what the waiter said to him:
Here's what Seth said to the waiter:

"Uh, yeah. Napkins."
I hope this story pops up when professional contacts google him. They will be impressed with his recovery. You want to have this guy on your team.
2. Seth just told me a story about Rusty the Red Panda who escaped from the National Zoo and then was saved by an explosive outpouring of concerned Twitterers.
3. I mentioned to Seth that I was going to write a blog post about him to give him the chance to say what he wants to say to the internet, and here's what he wants to say: "Absolutely not. I forbid it."
4. Seth has been analyzing policy. His title is Policy Analyst, which--if you asked someone what his job was and he said Policy Analyst, would that mean anything to you? NOPE! So we like to throw that title around as if it really does mean something.
"Which one of us is the Policy Analyst in this family??"
"Did you tell her you are a Policy Analyst?"
"That guy only WISHES he could be a Policy Analyst."
You get the idea.
So you see, Seth has a rich, full life and he has been up to many things. Please consider yourself up to speed.